A boottrip on the Wolga 

On the Wolga

This video was made on the occasion of the boat trip on the Wolga river in May (2017). The travelguide was Alexander Münninghoff.  Münninghoff attended Gymnasium Haganum. He studied Slavic language and literature at Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam. At the time, he worked for the MID as a Russian instructor. As a journalist he was a Moscow correspondent for the Haagsche Courant between 1986 and 1991. For the same newspaper he was a war correspondent in Cambodia and El Salvador. He also covered the First Gulf War between Iran and Iraq. In 2014 he published the eventful history of his family under the title De Stamhouder. A family chronicle. He received the Libris History Prize for that book on 25 October 2015. He presented various programs on television. Münninghoff lived for years in the Statenkwartier in The Hague, where he died on April 28 at the age of 76.